11–12 Jul 2024
Europe/Rome timezone
Innovations For Sustainable Crop Production In The Mediterranean Region

Continuous monitoring of tree water potential in olive for efficienty irrigation management

Not scheduled
Aula Magna "G.P. Ballatore" (UniPA SAAF)

Aula Magna "G.P. Ballatore"


Oral Presentation Topic 5. Innovative approaches for agricultural water management in a climate change Sessione 5


Paula Guzman Delgado (University of California Davis)


Water scarcity challenges agricultural production, demanding more precise and efficient irrigation management. Plant-based continuous monitoring has emerged as a promising approach for optimizing irrigation as it can detect water stress progression, although it is often difficult to interpret sensor outputs. Plant water potential is a robust water status indicator widely used for managing irrigation. However, its measurement is time-consuming and requires skilled personnel, making it difficult to obtain high-frequency data. In this study, we explored the potential of using continuous water potential sensing to determine water status in olive trees and its response to irrigation. Specifically, we compared continuous and single timepoint water status measurements at the tree-level using microtensiometers and the pressure chamber, respectively. The microtensiometers captured tree water status dynamics, enabling a prompt assessment of the effect of irrigation practices. Preliminary analyses show a good linear correlation between midday trunk and stem water potential values obtained with microtensiometers and the pressure chamber, with trunk water potential being less than 0.5 MPa lower. This difference could be associated with each method’s measurement and within-tree location. Overall, this study suggests microtensiometers can be a useful to optimize water application in olive. Importantly, having continuous data allows the extrapolation of various water status parameters in addition to midday values.

Primary authors

Paula Guzman Delgado (University of California Davis) Amrit Pokhrel (University of California Davis) Emily Santos (University of California Davis) Giulia Marino (University of California Davis)

Presentation materials